Platinum Dog Walking & Training

platinum dog walking & training bushey hertfordshire

1-2-1 Tailored Dog Behaviour Training

Platinum's Dog & Owner Behavior Training Is Tailored To You

Platinum Dog Services provides highly effective methods of behaviour training for unwanted dog behaviour. Behavioural training is required when the dog displays certain behaviours that basic training cannot fix.

fixing bad habits and dog behavioural issues

All of my training sessions are carried out with the owner and will last from one to two hours. It is vital to train both dog and owner together to ensure the dog respects and understands its owner’s commands at all times. A well-trained dog is a happy dog!

I work with owners to overcome the following behaviours:


Aggression Towards People

dog (1)

Aggression Towards Other Dogs

cat (1)

Aggression Towards Other Animals


Separation Anxiety


Fears & Phobias


Toileting Problems


Excessive Barking

For behavioural problems, I offer a free 20-minute assessment to help you and your dog decide if you can work with me (and if I can work with you!) and so I can advise on how I feel we can best move forward.


One-to-Dog Training:

  • 60 minutes £50
  • 120 minutes £90

Dog Walking Plus (exercise and command training):

  • 15 to 30 minutes £20
  • 60 minutes £25   

Dog Walking (exercise only, no command training):

  • 15 to 30 minutes: £15
  • 60 minutes £20

Please Note

Typically, puppies may only need a 15-minute dog walk each day, but an adult dog may need a 30 or 60-minute dog walk. If you have a large breed dog, or a particularly strong dog, you may need the full 60 minutes.
  • We do not multi-handle dogs and all the above is on a one-to-one basis.
  • The above training relates to one dog and owner. If you have more than one dog, we will confirm the costs with you in advance.
  • Evening and weekend walking and dog training will incur an additional charge of 5%.
  • Bank Holiday walking and dog training will incur an additional charge of 10%’.

Could your dog benefit from 1-2-1 Behaviour Training?