Platinum Dog Walking & Training

platinum dog walking & training bushey hertfordshire

Dog Walking Plus

Looking for a dog walker with a difference?

Platinum use this valuable exercise time to reinforce some simple but valuable commands. Every dog is different, and here at Platinum, I tailor my services to meet the unique needs of your furry friend.

My dog walking service is individual and we will walk across the many stunning locations in and around Bushey, Hertfordshire. I can collect and drop your dog off at your door.

Prior to walks commencing, I will ask various questions about your dog’s personality, including if they have any issues with certain breeds. We will also ask about their general health so that we can make sure your dog is walking at the correct level for its circumstances.

All dogs that join our dog walking service must be fully vaccinated, wear a secure collar or harness complete with an identity tag and must also be microchipped. We will ask you to complete our dog walking contract, and if you want your dog walked off lead, you will need to sign an off-lead disclaimer for our insurer.


Dog Walking Plus (exercise and command training):

  • 15 to 30 minutes £20
  • 60 minutes £25     

Dog Walking (exercise only, no command training):

  • 15 to 30 minutes: £15
  • 60 minutes £20

One-to-Dog Training:

  • 60 minutes £50
  • 120 minutes £90

Please Note

Typically, puppies may only need a 15-minute dog walk each day, but an adult dog may need a 30 or 60-minute dog walk. If you have a large breed dog, or a particularly strong dog, you may need the full 60 minutes.
  • We do not multi-handle dogs and all the above is on a one-to-one basis.
  • The above training relates to one dog and owner. If you have more than one dog, we will confirm the costs with you in advance.
  • Evening and weekend walking and dog training will incur an additional charge of 5%.
  • Bank Holiday walking and dog training will incur an additional charge of 10%’.

Contact us now and find out how we can make your dog happy.