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questions to ask when considering buying a puppy platinum dog walking & training blog

Questions to ask when you are considering buying a puppy

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it’s important to do your research and ask the right questions before making a purchase. Here are some questions to ask when buying a puppy:

  1. Can I see the puppy’s parents? Seeing the puppy’s parents can give you an idea of the size, temperament, and potential health issues of the puppy.
  2. Has the puppy been vaccinated and dewormed? Puppies should receive a series of vaccinations and deworming treatments to prevent disease and parasites.
  3. What kind of food is the puppy currently eating? Knowing what type of food the puppy is eating can help you plan for their nutrition and transition to a new diet if necessary.
  4. Has the puppy been socialized with other dogs and people? Socialization is essential for puppies to develop good behaviour and adapt to different environments.
  5. What kind of health guarantees do you offer? A reputable breeder or seller should offer health guarantees and be willing to provide documentation of the puppy’s health.
  6. What is the puppy’s temperament like? Knowing the puppy’s personality and energy level is important to ensure a good fit with your lifestyle and family.
  7. What kind of training has the puppy received? Basic training can help puppies learn good behaviour and develop a bond with their owners.
  8. What is the puppy’s background and breed history? Understanding the puppy’s breed history can give you insight into its potential health issues, temperament, and exercise needs.
  9. Are there any potential health issues with the puppy or its breed? Some breeds may be prone to certain health issues, and it’s important to know what to look out for and how to prevent them.
  10. What kind of support do you offer after the sale? A good breeder or seller should be willing to provide support and advice after the sale to ensure the puppy’s well-being.

These are just a few of the questions to ask when buying a puppy. It’s important to do your research and ask as many questions as necessary to ensure that you are making an informed decision and providing a good home for your new furry friend.